On Thursday a famous pop singer Will.I.Am visited our school. Why? To Give us $100,000 towards developing science,I.C.T and other school subject. The whole school never knew that Will.I.Am was coming because Mr Burt never told us. Finally It was time to see the Star of the day, Walking with Will.I.Am is the prefects and his 4 security guards.
When Will.I.Am sat down, Vivienne one of our school prefect started of the prayer in Tongan then Patrick finished it off in Maori. When the Kapa Haka group came on they did their performance that they did on Fia fia. After they Finished it was the Senior Hip Hop group.
Then Will.I.Am came up to speak to us about his life. Will.I.Am Was very poor, His Mother did not have a job,she was single and she spent all of her time looking after her sons and daughters . He was born and raised in Housing projects. When Will.I.Am Gave us the $100,000 he said” This money is to provide this school with science, Engineering and Mathematics”. And he also said: Music helps me take care of his Mum”.
After his speech Mr Sneedon told us" That Will.I.Am never did a hongi, so he did the hongi with Mr Sneddon.
After everything we've been through with Will.i.am, it was time for us and him to go. I really wanted to stay longer but we couldn't. But the thing really I wanted him to do was to sing one of his album.