Love is a way of romance and caring for one another. If love did not exist their will be no Empathy.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Matariki Returnes
Matariki Returns by Moira Wairama and Rupert Alchin.
Connected 3, 2003
WALT - Locate and use information in the text to extend ideas about our general solar system and the effects this has on our word - to even our cultures and celebrations.
Success Criteria -
I can locate and use information in the text to extend ideas about our general solar system and the effects this has on our word - to even our cultures and celebrations.
I know the purpose of Matariki and can relate it to other special holidays.
Answer the following questions in red:
What is Matariki in a physical sense?
Matariki is the 7 stars that appears on Maori new Year.
What is the special sight you may witness towards the end of May?
The seven stars of Matariki sink below the horizon and disappears from New Zealand’s night sky.
What are people looking out for to know that the new year is beginning?
Seeing Matariki at dawn and the new moon at night.
Tell me three things you know about Matariki?
1. They are sisters.
2. 10 years ago some New Zealanders knew very little about matariki.
3. Matariki is made up of several hundred stars, but seven only seven can be seen with the naked eye.
What are the tales about the stars and the representation of them for the year to come?
If the stars of Matariki are faint, hazy, and hard to see separately, then a cold lean season will follow. If the stars are bright enough to see clearly the season will be warm, and crops will flourish.
Maori used to ‘preserve birds hinu’. What does the word ‘preserved’ mean?
It means that something in its original or existing state.
Can you give me an example of how people often preserve various items to date?
They will kill some native rats and serve it with some fish.
Matariki is the time for what? (refer to the text)
Learning about nature and for planning activities that will nurture and protect our environment.
Tell me about a Matariki legend?
Matariki is sometimes called the seven stars, and Orion is one of the most easily recognised constellations in New Zealand's night sky.
How has Matariki risen again?
For a long time, Matariki faded in people’s minds, but the festival has risen again.
If something is ‘faint’ can you describe what it might look like?
You would not be able to see it properly because it is kinda blurry and hazy.
Why did New Zealanders initially not know much about Matariki?
Because Matariki was not existing but the only time they show is when they celebrate Maori new Year.
What are some activities people might do it celebrate Matariki?
Competitions like see who can eat the most. Singing Maori’s songs.
Some Iwi celebrate Matariki differently, find some examples of how they celebrations differ?
They celebrate different by doing diffrent stuff to what you do on a maori new year.
Name three other days of the year that are celebrated:
Maori New Year
Think about Christmas and how it is a public holiday, do you think Matariki should also be a public holiday? Yes/no? What is your reasoning for this?
Yes it should be a public holiday because it is really important because the 7 sisters have done heaps of thing for us.
Thursday/ Friday:
Refer to the part in the text ‘Matariki Returns’:
That every time Matariki only returns on Maori New Year.
What is a constellation?
a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure.
What is a cluster of stars?
A group of stars formed at roughly at the same time.
How are our seasons caused?
Summer: When the sun is close to New Zealand.
Winter: The Sun is far from New Zealand.
Spring: Sun is kinda close to New Zealand.
Autumn: The sun is far from new Zealand.
What do various cultures use patterns in the sky for?
Sky Watching
What are some objects that relate to objects and patterns in the sky?
How do you think Matariki should be celebrated?
It should be celebrated with fun and joy.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Raeleen Matariki Returns
What is Matariki in a physical sense?
Matariki is the 7 stars that appears on Maori new Year.
What is the special sight you may witness towards the end of May?
The seven stars of Matariki sink below the horizon and disappears from New Zealand’s night sky.
What are people looking out for to know that the new year is beginning?
Seeing Matariki at dawn and the new moon at night.
Tell me three things you know about Matariki?
1. They are sisters.
2. 10 years ago some New Zealanders knew very little about matariki.
3. Matariki is made up of several hundred stars, but seven only seven can be seen with the naked eye.
What are the tales about the stars and the representation of them for the year to come?
If the stars of Matariki are faint, hazy, and hard to see separately, then a cold lean season will follow. If the stars are bright enough to see clearly the season will be warm, and crops will flourish.
Maori used to ‘preserve birds hinu’. What does the word ‘preserved’ mean?
It means that something in its original or existing state.
Can you give me an example of how people often preserve various items to date?
They will kill some native rats and serve it with some fish.
Matariki is the time for what? (refer to the text)
Learning about nature and for planning activities that will nurture and protect our environment.
Tell me about a Matariki legend?
Matariki is sometimes called the seven stars, and Orion is one of the most easily recognised constellations in New Zealand's night sky.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Malaysian Airlines Flight missing Report
Title: Malaysia Airlines missing
By line
Writer’s name: raeleen
A Malaysia Airline flight MH370 has mysteriously gone missing. The flight was heading to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur. After 2 hours of travelling in the air the plan seems to explode when they were turning to the west. I think some pieces of the plane and some human bodies are in the the deepest part of the ocean. Authorities believes that the pilot changed directions to go a diffrent place and he also turned off the communication system.A man who was working out on the ocean claims to see explosion in the air.
The Malaysian flight had 2 new zealanders along with 237 airline travelers. Asia teamed up with Perth to find the missing plane. Ever since 8th of March when the plane was missing it was not to be found. I think they should all split up and mark to spot where they have checked if not to be found in the ocean, they should look on some small islands.
Paragraph 3: Next most important point
News reporters say that the weather was fine but how did bits and pieces fall of before the explosion. The pilot and his team are hiding something suspicious and they won’t tell the truth. If they tell a lie about not causing the plane to explode they should go to jail forever for killing 239 passengers one the plan.
Some people around the world are agreeing with the pilot because they trust him. But do they know him really well?. I really hate the pilot and his team because their was children on that plane who wanted to visit Beijing. if I was the judge they should pay heaps and heaps of money and for to jail for life.
Hopefully the plane gets found in a few days because it is a terrifying moment for their loved ones and their families. Sometime in my pray I mentioned the Malaysian airlines a
nd the people who was travelling.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Raeleen's Math Work Week 7
Question 1
1. 2.5 + 3.9 = 6.4
- O.1 from the 2.5 = 2.4, then you +0.1 to the 3.9= 4.0. Add it all together and the answer is 6.4
2. 4.6 + 1.8 = 6.4
-0.2 from the 2.8 = 2.6, they you +0.2 to the 1.8. Add it all together and the answer is 6.4
3. 3.1 + 2.5 = 9.4
-0.1 from the 3.1 = 3.0, then you + 0.1to the 6.3 = 6.4. Add it all together and the answer is 9.4
4. 2.8 + 2.5 = 5.3
-0.2 from the 2.8 = 2.6, then you +0.2 to the 2.5 = 2.7. Add it all together and the answer is 5.3.
5.4.8 + 6.7 =
- 0.2 from the 4.8 = 4.6, then you + 0.2 to the 6.7 = 6.9. Add it all together and the answer is 11.5
6.1.37 + 4.5 = 18.2
-0.3 from the 3.7 = 13.4, then you + 0.3 to the 4.5 = 4.8. Add it all together and the answer is 18.2
7. 5.8 + 4.6 = 10.4
- 0.2 from the 5.8 = 5.6, then + 0.2 to the 4.6 = 4.8. Add it all together and the answer is 10.4
8. 9.9 + 4.6 =
-0.1 from the 9.9 = 9.8, then you + 0.1 to the 4.6 = 4.7. Add it all together and the answer is 14.5
9.6.6 + 8.8 = 15.4
-0.2 from the 6.6 = 6.4, the you + 0.2 to the 8.8 = 9.0. Add it all together and the answer is 15.4.
10. 4.2 + 5.8 = 10.0
- 0.2 from 4.2 = 4.0, the you + 0.2 to the 5.8 = 6.0. Add it all together and the answer is 10.0
11. 7.3 + 7.5 =
- 0.3 from the 7.3 = 7.0, then you + .3 to the 7. 5 = 7.8. Add it all together and the answer is 14.8
12.11.1 + 6.8 = 17.9
-0.1 from the 1.1 = 0.1, then you + 0.1 to the 6.8 = 6.9. Add it all together and the answer is 17.9
13.5.8 + 9.3 =
- 0.2 from the 5.8 = 5.6, they you + 0.2 to the 9.3 = 9.5. Add it all together and the answer is 15.1
14.7.2 + 8.4 = 15.6
- 0.2 from the 7,2 = 7.0, the you + 0.2 to the 8.4 = 8.6. Add it all together and the answer is 15.6
15. 13.5 + 8.4 = 22.5
-01 from the from the 13.6 = 13.5, the you + .1 to the 8.9 = 9.0. Add it all together and the answer is 22.5
Question 2
1. 6.5 + 8.1 = 14.6
+ 0.5 - 0.5
7.0 + 7.6 = 14.6
2. 9.3 + 7.4 = 16.7
- 0.6 0.6
8.7 + 8.0 = 16.7
3. 6.7 + 8.3 = 14.0
+ 0.3 - 0.3
7.0 + 8.0 = 14.0
4. 4.8 + 12.3 = 17.1
+ 0.2 - 0.2
5.0 + 12.1 = 17.1
5. 7.7 + 2.6 = 10.3
+ 0.3 - 0.3
8.0 + 2.3 = 10.3
6. 12.4 + 12.9 = 24.3
- 0.1 + 0.1
12.3 + 13.0 = 24.3
7. 9.8 + 8.8 = 18.6
+ 0.2 -0.2
10.0 + 8.6 = 18.6
8. 7.3 + 12.4 = 8.1
- 0.6 + 0.6
5.1 + 3.0 - 8.1
9. 15.3 + 3.7 = 19.0
- 0.3 +0.3
15.0 + 4.0 = 19.0
Word Problems
Word Problems
I have 3.7 metres of rope and i found another 7.8 meters of rope. How much rope do I have?
3.7 + 7.8 = 11.5
+0.2 to the 7.8 = 8.0, then you -0.2 from the 3.7 = 3.5. Add it all together and the answer is 11.5
2. Andrew weighs 45.6 kilograms and his cat weighs 4.8 kilograms. How much do they both weigh in total?.
45.6 + 4.8 = 50.4
+ 0.2 to the 4.8 = 5.0, then you - 0.2 from the 45.6 = 45.4.Add it all together 50.4
3.Sarah was 1.3 metres tall but she has grown another 0.3 metres this year.How tall is she now.
1.3 + 0.3 = 1.6
+ 0.7 to the 0.3 - 1.0, then you - 0.7 from the 1.3 = 0.6
.6. Add it all together and the answer is 1.6
4.. A designer uses 4.6 metres of blue fabric and 12.3 metres of red fabric. How much fabric has she used in total.
4.6 + 12.3 = 16.9
+ 0.4 to the 4.6 = 5.0, then you - 0.4 from 12.3 = 11.9. Add it all together and the answer is:16.9
5. To create a long red carpet two carpets two carpets are placed together. One is 12.2 metres long the other is 14.5 metres long, How long is the red carpet in total?.
12.2 + 14.5 = 26.7
- 0.5 from the 12.2 - 11.7, then you + 0.5 to the 14.5 = 15.0. Add it all together and the answer is 26.7.
6. My car has 33.4 litres of petrol in it. Add another 7.5 litres of petrol. How much petrol is in my car now?
33.4 + 7.5 = 40.9
-0.5 from the 33.4 = 32.9, then you + 0.5 to the 7.5 - 8.0. Add it all together add the answer is 40.9
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Raeleen the Mah-jong Man
The Mah-jong Man by Penny Sii
School Journal Part 4 number 3 1994.
WALT:: Make inferences and responding using key information from text.
Success Criteria:I can respond to the text, using information I come across and make my own conclusions depending on how I perceive the text.
Answer the following questions in red:
Looking at the title and the image on the front page what do you think the story is about?
A Man who plays Mah-jong
Why was Ai Ling’s father walking inside wobbling?
He was drunk because he came back from the mah-jong place which is gambling.
How did her mother react to her father coming home at this time?
Very upset that she felt to give him a hiding.
Where had her father been, how did they feel about her father being at this place?
He went to the Mah-jong place. The siblings felt very worried because he lost heaps of money and they might become por.
Why was Ai’s mum banging and making as much noise as she could while putting the pots and pans away?
She was banging the pots and slamming the cupboards because she was so upset. Because her husband came home late and he was drunk. And they were arguing.
In what way do Ai and her mother view her father as being ‘bad’?
He lost money, He gets drunk a lot, and he goes to the Mah-jong place heaps of times.
Is Ai happy at home? Why/why not? How do we know this?
No she was not happy because she said to Ai Fu that she was scared and she felt like running away.
How can we gather that Ai’s mother was angry as a result of her father staying out late again? (Refer to the image and text)
She was very,very angry. Her lips were pressed close together in a straight line. Her face had frowning lines on her face.
Where is Ai’s mother taking her and her brother? For what reason do you think her mother is doing this?
To find their dad, because the mother got annoyed that he went to the Mah-jong place the next day.
Predict what you think will happen next in the story. What is your reasoning for your prediction?
I think that they might kick the father out because he is scaring the kids and he is wasting a lot of money.
Of what social status is Ai and her family, are they wealthy? How do you know this? What is your reasoning for thinking this?
The family was not wealthy because when they went to every mah-jong place in Sibu and he was not found. Mum was getting angry so she started crashing stuff around and muttering to herself. Later when the servant arrived Ai Fu and Ai Ling asked the servant “where’s our mum and the servant replied “ She is at you fathers office and she is going to stay there from now on”.
Where had mother gone to?
Fathers office to stay there from now on.
How had the situation taken a turn? Who was now taking care of the children?
It was caused by their father because he kept on getting drunk and coming home late. Their Father is taking care of them since their mum left.
For what reason do you think the children’s mother had been staying at their fathers office on her own?
She was staying at their Father's office because she was starting to hate the father because he kept on getting on her nerves
What bad habits does father have? Where do you think he is going in the evenings?
He likes to drink and come home late, and he goes to the Mah-jong place.
List three examples of bad habits:
Thursday / Friday:
Do you think it was a good idea that Ai’s mother asked the children to choose between their father and mother? Why / why not? What is your justification for this.
No because its just being selfish and if they had to pick one the family might not get together.
Why did Ai not make her speech like she had intended?
Because every night their father came home early and he is not going to the mah-jong place again
Do you think it was appropriate that father made the children speak to mother on his behalf?
Yes because she should not tell the kids to say it, he should say it because he caused it.
How do you think mother is feeling as her children plead for her to return home?
Kinda because the kids want her but she also doesn't love the father.
Do you think Ai’s mother should return home with father or stay away? What is your reasoning for this?
I think she should return home because the kids want her so badly and her husband does not go to the mah-jong place ever again.
Ai’s mother ‘sighs’ yet begins to pack her things, do you think she is happy to be heading home with Ai and the rest of the family? Why?/ why not?
Yes because the family is reunited
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