Identify the meaning to the following words in the text
“raging debate” Action taken in that one place
“commotion” A state of confused and noisy disturbance
“native contingent”, A person who has lived there all their life
“teach those Germans a lesson” Teaching them about their mistake they made
“confiscation”, Someones property with authority
“colonial wars” Wars that involved heaps of diffrent countries
“Pioneer Battalion” A battle that is in a curtain place.
“supposedly”, Often used to indicate that the speaker doubts the truth of that statement.
“lieutenant” A deputy acting for superior
“debris” Scattered pieces of rubbish
Last week we read the text ‘Lest We Forget’
Referring to last weeks text and what we recently learnt about World War 1 in our assembly, state three facts that you know about WWI.
The World War had many diffrent countries fighting for freedom for their country.
New Zealand was one of the countries that were representing New Zealand.
The World War I was the first war to fight for equality.
What role did New Zealand have in WWI?
The New Zealanders were comparing themselves with other men from diffrent nations. New Zealand teamed up with the British because they wanted to protect our country. New Zealand's role was to help the British win the war.
Why do we remember WWI in particular? Why did it hit New Zealand so hard?
We remember the WWI because our Soldiers fought in the WWI. It hit New Zealand so hard because the British asked them to help them fight and they decided to help them.
What does the title of this story mean to you in relation to that topic?
That the king of the country doesn't want to be involved with anything but he wants to save his country from the bad.
As you read, think about the ways people respond to community challenges. How do you think Māori responded when asked to fight in the war?
One of the old warriors shouted “This isn’t our war. It belongs to the British. Let them fight it.
Think about the date and about New Zealand’s history. How would Māori feel about fighting for the British Empire so soon after being colonised by Britain?
The Maoris were a bit scared because they have never fought in war before. But they still were protecting their country and home.
Why did young men especially like Rongo and Tipu want to join up?
Because they were brave men and also sporty and fast.
Why did their parents have different views about whether they should?
Because Tipu was to young to take part of the war and they didn't want the Germans to take over there land.
What have you inferred about the setting? What information in the text
and connections of your own helped you?
Tipu’s mum doesn't want him to go to war incase she might lose him forever and that he is too young to join, and whaea has never forgotten about the land confiscation in the Waikato during the 1860’s, of the lives lost trying to defend that land in the colonial wars.
What are the men arguing about?
The men are arguing about if they should go and fight in war or if they shouldn't fight in war. They are also arguing about what people they should choose to fight in the war.
Think about the reasons people did and did not participate in the war then and evaluate the responses of Māori at the time -
The reason why people didn’t want to fight in the war was because they were afraid that they might die or that they might lose their families.
Why does Tipu feels torn. Is it just a choice between staying with his mother or having an adventure or the the choice much more important than this?
Because he knows that he should be loyal to his mother’s iwi, that he should stay with her now Rongo has gone.
Has the news from Gallipoli made his choice more complex? Why/why not.
Yes because Big George has been killed there and Tipu wanted to be with his brother more than ever.
Do you think he should stay with his mother?
Yea because his mother doesn't want him to go to war because she was scared she might lose him.
If so why should he stay with his mother? What is his duty to her?
He should stay with his mother because he has to listen to her and his duty was listen to the stories she told him.
Why does the death of Big George make him want to be with his brother even more?
Because he has never spent enough time with him and he also was sad and it made him feel like he wanted to be with him even more.
If you are familiar with waka, what does the image of paddling home together in a waka mean to you? You get to finally see your family in ages because you were out fighting for your country.
Why is this an effective metaphor?
Because TIpu was missing his family and he was also brave because he fought in the war.
What does it tell you about the brothers and their values?
They are good brothers and they treat each other fairly.
Are they on their way home? Why does the writer suggest this?
He only imagined that he is on the waka and I’m really not sure because I dosent say he went home.
From the text create an image using Pxlr, Sumopaint to display an image of WWI. This can be on the battlefields or anywhere of your choice.
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